The first reason why we wrote DOG.EAT.PLANT. is because we believe all creatures deserve a chance at life and we do not believe that one being has to suffer and die so another can live.
And they really don’t have to in the case of dogs, because yes dogs can eat plants! They actually have been able to do so for ages, because their digestive system started to evolve and adapt to digesting starches since humans and dogs started living side by side.
But, there is more. We also wrote the book in support of this Earth. We all know that humans arenโt really working out for the planet even though there is so much we can do for the good and the better.
For instance and above all switching to a plant-based diet is the scientifically proven number one thing one can do to support nature and this Earth. But there is something else. Most people do not really know that our dogs when eating animal flesh are actually big contributors to climate change. Because many dogs in the West actually eat almost the same amount, sometimes more meat than an average human (we cover this extensively in the book). Not their fault of course! But we, as their caregivers can choose to feed them plant foods. Because as said, they can eat plants. And with that, we bring down animal suffering, and we lower the paw print and support the health of our four-legged friends.
That is what we call a win-win-win! So paws in the air if you are with us! ๐๐