Here’s a fact. You actually do not need to read our book at all. Sssst! We can narrow the whole story down to:
1. Dogs need nutrients not ingredients.
2. Dogs have been living besides humans for more than 10.000 years adapting to ‘our foods’. Their digestive system has evolved over time, the reasons why they can now digest starches and thrive of a plant based diet. Easy .
And so after following this channel a bit or after indeed reading the whole book (yay for you!) you might say ‘OK! Let’s get this plant show on the road’. You can of course choose to feed your furry friend plant kibble or wet food. There are amazing brands out there doing a fantastic job. Co-writer Rick offers a wide selection over at his webshop VegaVriend. But you also might want to start cooking for your bestie. In our book, you’ll find 7 recipes that are complete and offer inspiration for many many more combinations. You just have to start thinking in lentils, legumes, grains, veggies and fruits. In DEP you will also find which ones are perfectly safe and healthy for your snout. Besides that it is also fun and healthy to power the meal up with ‘superfoods’ like kale, broccoli or beet powder, spirulina, hemp seeds, yeast flakes, tomato puree or seaweed. Just little bits. Sprinkle them over the foods like confetti. Because yes, it will be a guaranteed feast for the four-legged. 🐾