16 jul PETTALK

Yes! We actually did a PetTalk!
In about ten minutes we summarised our book DOG.EAT.PLANT. What a joy to be able to talk about this amazing subject and hopefully inspire even more dog owners with the fact that a plant-based diet for dogs is a good choice.
We could elaborate on this subject for much longer, but actually, it is as simple as this: dogs can eat plants and that is great for their health and the climate, and it contributes to reducing animal suffering. That is what we call a win-win-win!
You can check out our PetTalk here (in Dutch).
And if you are just as excited as we are after watching the talk and have ordered the book but just cannot wait to get started? Here you can find a delicious recipe to start with. It is a super umami-rich meal that most dogs go over the moon for!